
Portfolio Allocation on Inflation Trends

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Asset managers are facing a surge in questions about inflation risk from their clients. Thus, fearing that a resurgence could ruin the investor fund confidence they are rushing to hedge their portfolio from this factor. If inflation becomes an increasingly impactful factor, using such a signal as a key strategy player could be relevant.

It’s one of the most well-known terms in economics. It is however a very broad subject. Countries have been in trouble as a result of inflation. Many central bankers aim to be called inflation hawks. Inflation can be defined as the rate at which prices rise over time. It is also usually defined as a wide measure of price increases or decreases in the cost of living in a country. It can, however, be computed more precisely for items, such as services or food.

The word “inflation” originally referred only to the amount of money. This meant that the amount of money was inflated and exaggerated. Using ...

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Revue Banque NºHS-STRAT-2-2022