
Notice bibliographique

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European Banking Authority (2019), « Basel III Reforms - Impact Study and Key Recommendations Macroeconomic Assessment Credit Valuation Adjustment and Marke », European Banking Authority, 4 décembre.

Furr N. & Shipilov A.V. (2020), « Le digital n’est pas toujours synonyme de disruption », Harvard Business Review, 2 janvier.

Holz A., Neumann F. & Milkau U (2013-2014), « Industrialisation of Securities and Derivatives Transaction Processing: Silos in the Past, Platforms Today and Functional Modules in the Future », Journal of Securities Operations & Custody, Vol. 6, n° 2, pp. 138-149(12).

McKinsey (2019), « The Last Pit Stop? Time for Bold Late-Cycle Moves », McKinsey, octobre.

Porter M.E. (2004), Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analysing Industries and Competitors, 16e éd., Free Press.

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Revue Banque NºESBanque2020