
Financial Protection for the Elderly

Long Term Care Coverage in Europe

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Les dépenses liées aux soins de longue durée représentaient 1,5 % du PIB des pays de l’OCDE en 2010, chiffre qui devrait atteindre 2,4 % en 2050, sous l’effet du vieillissement de la population. Les modèles de prise en charge varient toutefois beaucoup d’un pays à l’autre et l’intervention des assureurs privés est encore peu développée. Panorama.

According to the Eurostat report of September 2016, nearly 27 million people aged 80 or over in the European Union. Although their proportion shrank between 2005 and 2015, women still accounted for around two-thirds of elderly people in the EU. This overrepresentation of women among people aged 80 or over is observed in all EU Member States. The ageing of the population structure is, at least partly, the result of an increasing life expectancy, which grew at the age of 80 from 8.4 years in 2004 to 9.5 years in 2014. The subject of financial protection for the elderly is crucial in all countries. ...

À retrouver dans la revue
Banque et Stratégie Nº352