
Estimations du montant des avoirs « gelés »

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Il est très difficile d’avoir une idée précise du montant total des avoirs ou ressources économiques qui font l’objet d’une mesure de gel. Cela tient au fait que ces mesures sont mises en place à l’échelon national, même si elles procèdent souvent, mais pas toujours, de décisions multilatérales comme celles du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies. Il convient de distinguer ensuite les avoirs des dirigeants déchus ou au ban de la communauté internationale (comme ceux de Moubarak, Kadhafi ou El Assad) de ceux des organisations terroristes ou mafieuses. S’agissant des premiers, les avoirs de Kadhafi représenteraient plus de 220 milliards de dollars selon le ministère libyen des investissements en novembre 2012, dont 30 milliards seraient sur le sol américain. Quant aux avoirs de Moubarak et de ses proches, ils approcheraient les 135 millions de dollars sur le sol britannique et 700 millions de dollars en Suisse (en septembre 2012). Ceux de Bachar El Assad représenteraient 70 millions de francs suisses en Suisse (novembre 2012). À côté de ces avoirs, figurent ceux des institutions terroristes et assimilées. Ici, les éléments chiffrés les plus pertinents sont ceux fournis par l’OFAC et le département du Trésor américain dans le document annuel « Terrorist Assets Report  [1] ».


1 http://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Programs/Documents/tar2011.pdf : « The Report found $21.1 million in assets blocked from specially designated global terrorists, terrorists threatening the Middle East peace process and foreign terrorist organizations. The U.S. has identified Cuba, Iran, Sudan and Syria as state sponsors of terrorism, and OFAC said Wednesday it identified a total of $520.1 million in assets from the four countries, blocking $398.6 million of it. The report shows that $5 million worth of Hezbollah assets were frozen, while $2.5 million of assets of Hamas were also frozen. Al-Qaeda has almost $13 billion of its assets located and frozen, while an additional $63,000 of Islamic Jihad funds were discovered and closed. Al-Qaeda is considered the number one terrorist threat by the State Department. The total value of the funds of terrorist organizations which were frozen by the Treasury reached $21.1 billion. In addition to the freezing of accountants of terrorist organizations some countries had some of their assets frozen as well. The accounts of Syria, Iran, Sudan and Cuba were frozen during 2011 in the amounts of $77.3 million, $55.4 million, $20.9 million, and $245 million respectively. »

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Revue Banque Nº755
Notes :
1 http://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Programs/Documents/tar2011.pdf : « The Report found $21.1 million in assets blocked from specially designated global terrorists, terrorists threatening the Middle East peace process and foreign terrorist organizations. The U.S. has identified Cuba, Iran, Sudan and Syria as state sponsors of terrorism, and OFAC said Wednesday it identified a total of $520.1 million in assets from the four countries, blocking $398.6 million of it. The report shows that $5 million worth of Hezbollah assets were frozen, while $2.5 million of assets of Hamas were also frozen. Al-Qaeda has almost $13 billion of its assets located and frozen, while an additional $63,000 of Islamic Jihad funds were discovered and closed. Al-Qaeda is considered the number one terrorist threat by the State Department. The total value of the funds of terrorist organizations which were frozen by the Treasury reached $21.1 billion. In addition to the freezing of accountants of terrorist organizations some countries had some of their assets frozen as well. The accounts of Syria, Iran, Sudan and Cuba were frozen during 2011 in the amounts of $77.3 million, $55.4 million, $20.9 million, and $245 million respectively. »