
G20 Seoul summit

The G20 is capable of moving forward to come up with concrete measures to address the currency issues

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Yongbeom Kim, directeur général du comité de préparation du G20 mis en place par les autorités coréennes, fait un retour sur les avancées de cette dernière rencontre, notamment autour de Bâle III, et les points qui doivent encore être traitées, qu'il s'agisse de la supervision macroprudentielle du secteur financier ou de la question des taux de changes.

Do you think that the political willingness affirmed by the G20 members has been successfully transformed into efficient financial reforms?

The G20 has been continuously discussing the full and internationally consistent implementation of the reforms that the G20 has committed to date. Such emphasis on implementation is one of what differentiates the G20 from other international forums. To ensure the implementation of key international standards and G20 commitments across the globe, the G20 utilizes the peer review assessments conducted by the FSB, FATF, OECD Global Forum and other international ...

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